5 Helpful Methods To Get More Out Of Acne Therapies

Acne is a common skin problem particularly when you become a teenager. And most people have trouble trying to clear it.

The skin is made up of pores which are susceptible to congestion due to debris, sebum, dead skin cells and dirts.

The blocked pores can become black heads or white heads.

Inside the clogged pore, you may find bacteria which come from the nearby skin. Gradually, the pores turn red and swell, a sign of inflammation. Contrary to popular belief, your face is not the only place you’ll find acne but also your back and chest.

How do you get acne in the first place?

One of the acne causes is hormone. Usually, teenagers and women are more susceptible to acne particularly a few days before their monthly periods or when they enter into menopause. Your chances of getting acne increase when your family history indicates the susceptibility to acne. Medicines that contain steroids, lithium and iodides may trigger acne. Working in a place where your skin is subjected to excess oil can lead to acne formation. Some cosmetics and skin-care products especially with oil base are not comedogenic. They tend to block the pores, causing breakouts.

How do you banish your acne effectively?

When your acne become very serious, antibiotics are used by the doctors to control the acne. Bacteria respond well to antibiotics. The course of antibiotics is beyond 5 days. There are dangers when you use antibiotics without doctor’s consultation. Antibiotic resistance can develop which makes antibiotics less effective in acne treatment. Since your body absorbs antibiotics, it is better to have your dermatologists to monitor your progress as they have better knowledge than you about its interaction with your body.

An acne clearing device is can be placed into handbag easily and it runs on rechargeable batteries. It is said to remove a pimple in no more than 24 hours as opposed to days or even weeks with dermatological procedures like microdermabrasion. It is a safe method to treat mild to moderate acne. If your acne is severe, it is not effective. You should use an acne clearing device that works if you want to bring acne under control. http://www.robertoagudelo.com/acne-clearing-device/ is a great post to learn more about it.

Dermabrasion is more aggressive than chemical peels. It uses a high speed rotating brush to scrape the topmost layer of the skin. It is used to treat severe acne but there is a risk of scarring after healing.

Using a gentle cleanser, you should wash acne-prone areas twice a day. Cleansing helps remove excess sebum and dead skin cells. Don’t wash too often as this will cause dryness, triggering the production of sebum,

You should wear loose fitting clothes if you want to prevent chest or back acne.

Besides a good skin care routine, you may forget what you consume can effect the condition of your skin. Ditch your dairy products. Milk contains hormones which can encourage the sebum production.


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